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Baden-Württemberg convinces with a strong economy, numerous global players and a robust entrepreneurial middle class.


Baden-Württemberg as a Business Location

Particularly responsible for Baden-Württemberg’s economic success are small and medium enterprises. Around 99 percent of all companies in the state have fewer than 250 employees. Among them are around 400 so-called "hidden champions”.

In addition to the core sectors of mechanical engineering, the automotive industry and healthcare, the economic focus in Baden-Württemberg is also on electrical engineering, sustainable mobility solutions, environmental technology and information and communication technology (ICT).

Baden-Württemberg and Israel

Israel and Baden-Württemberg have had good economic relations for many years. Global players like Daimler, Porsche, Bosch and SAP are already present in Israel either through R&D centers or scouting activities. With its approximately nine million inhabitants, Israel is considered one of the most innovative countries in the world and a leading international high-tech location. The state also offers one of the most important and dynamic ecosystems for start-ups globally.

Economic Representation of Baden-Württemberg

Since October 1st 2020, the Baden-Württemberg Economic Representation in Tel Aviv has opened its doors, especially for small and medium-sized companies from Baden-Württemberg. Financed by the Ministry of Economics, Labor and Tourism of the State of Baden-Württemberg, the German-Israeli Chamber of Industry and Commerce (AHK Israel) is now your local contact. Of course, this is done in close cooperation with Baden-Württemberg International (bw-i).

The thematical focus is on Baden-Württemberg's key technologies digitization, industry 4.0 and artificial intelligence. But the topics smart city, e-health as well as environmental and climate protection technology will also be considered. The aim is to identify new business models and establish agile networks between the two innovation regions.

Services of the economic representation

  • Roadshows and B2B matching
  • Consultation on all economically related questions
  • Support with market entry to Baden-Württemberg
  • Sales and distribution partners search
  • Networking events
  • Delegations
  • Intercultural training

For further information please visit Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Tourismus, Baden-Württemberg and Baden-Württemberg International.