Medical Devices
Reimbursment Roundtable
Event Start
12/12/2018 · 10:00
Event End
12/12/2018 · 13:00

TechnoSTAT is pleased to host Assessment in Medicine (AiM, Germany) and invites medical device companies to the roundtable: Reimbursement and Market Access for Highly Complex Medical Devices in Europe

Numerous Israeli companies develop innovative medical devices used in complex therapeutic procedures, for instance in intensive care or in state of the art surgical techniques. These devices often need to be integrated into the various well-defined medical settings in the EU Member States. Furthermore, some of these innovative devices are associated with processing and transmission of digital data.

This seminar focuses in particular on reimbursement and market access for these complex, innovative medical devices. Who will pay for such devices? What reimbursement and costcoverage systems exist? What are the necessary pathways for bringing these devices to market? The seminar will focus on Germany, France and the UK.


Lecturer: Mr. Michael Weisser
COO, Assessment in Medicine (AiM), German

• Introduction to market access of innovative, complex medical devices in Europe
• Current challenges and developments

Lecturer: Ms. Mathilda Diel
Consultant, Assessment in Medicine (AiM), Germany

• Reimbursement of innovative medical devices in France, Germany and the UK