The Federal Republic of Germany
Germany is a federal parliamentary republic which includes 16 federal states. Germany is a democracy with two legislative bodies: the Bundestag (lower House of Representatives) and the Bundesrat (upper house); members of the Bundestag serve a term of four years and are selected by the 16 federal states (Bundesländer) parliaments. Germany has the largest population (83,1 million; 2021) of any country in Western Europe and also the largest economy. The current president is Frank Walter Steinmeier and the current chancellor is Olaf Scholz. The president will be elected for a period of five years. The chancellor will only be elected for a period of four years. Since 1990 Berlin is the capital city of Germany.
Official Language is German.
The monetary unit is Euro (€) current exchange rate
In Germany Sunday is the official day off. That means shops are closed on that day.
Facts & Figures
Geography and size
Germany is located in Western and Central Europe. It has borders with Denmark in the north, with Poland and the Czech Republic in the east, with Austria and Switzerland in the south and in the west it is bordering with France, Luxembourg, Belgium & the Netherlands. Germany has also two sea borders: in the west with the North Sea and in the Eastern part with the Baltic Sea. Germany’s size in total is about 137,847 sq mi (357,021 sq km), so it is slightly smaller than the US state of Montana (145,552 sq mi).
Topography and climate
The topography in Germany is very varied. You can find anything from lowlands which are mainly situated in the North up to hills in the South. The highest point in Germany is the "Zugspitze" which borders with Austria. Germany’s climate is moderate and has no consistent dry season. Winters can be quite cold and in summer temperatures can exceed 30 °C. Northwestern and coastal Germany has a maritime influenced climate. Central and southern Germany is a transition area where the weather changes between moderately oceanic to continental. In the extreme south of Germany (alpine region) is a mountain climate which is characterized by lower temperatures and more precipitation.
12th of May 1965 is a remarkable day in the history of Israel and Germany. At that day Germany and Israel have started their diplomatic relationships. Only 20 years after the Shoah it must have been a really difficult step for Israel to start all over with Germany. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations, close and intensive cooperation has developed between the two countries. Of course the past shall never be forgotten but today it is almost as important to look at the present and the future. And as one can see the relationship between Israel and Germany will always reamain a miracle. Today the diplomatic relationship between these two countries couldn’t be better. There is a lively enriching cultural exchange as well as expanding trade relations. Israel, with its growing high-tech expertise and its successful Exits (e.g. Mobileye), becomes more and more attractive for German companies. German companies like to invest in Israeli companies and the other way around. Germany is Israel’s largest trading partner in Europe and the second most important trading partner after the United States. Those are facts which nobody would have thought of after what has happened in the Holocaust. Today Israel and Germany can be proud of their close diplomatic relationships.
Germany is the most populous country in the European Union with a population over 82 million. It is also the second most popular immigration destination in the world. In 2016 about ten million (12% of the population) of Germany’s 82 million residents did not have a German citizenship. The German population is divided in different nationalities. The biggest groups of resident foreign nationals are Turkey & Poland.
The religious confession in Germany is divided into following groups:
1. Christianity: 64,2%
2. Not religious: 26,9%
3. Islam: 3,5%
4. Judaism: 0,1%
5. Other: 5,3
Based on the basic right in Germany, everyone can indulge the free exercise of religion as well as the religious affiliation.